Dweebs on the net

Last modified 2003 MAR 12 03:09:57 GMT
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Nick M. is a twit on webprog that can't connect the dots, and actually spewed over a request to NOT cc: the previous respondant when replying to the list.


Received: from r220-1.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE (r220-1.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE [])
	by trei.professional.org (8.10.2/8.11.1) with ESMTP id g1B19Wp28792
	for <**DELETED**>; Sun, 10 Feb 2002 17:09:32 -0800
Mr. Landy is an annoying twit. During a thread in the procmail list, rather than offering any answers or insights on a certain thread, he repeatedly posted that people should use spamassassin. Nothing more, just kept telling people how they were stupid for not using it. His posts themselves amounted to spam.


Received: from mail.t-intra.de (mail.t-intra.de [])
	by trei.professional.org (8.10.2/8.11.1) with ESMTP id fA6L88Y02039
	for <**DELETED**>; Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:08:14 -0800
Automobile-Portal.com is a spam site. They hunt around for other sites to "list" on their portal pages so that when people search for those other sites, their search results may land them at automobile-portal, where they can deluge the web visitor with banner advertising.

info@automobile-portal.com hostmaster@.cts.com

Received: from neko.cts.com (neko.cts.com [])
	by trei.professional.org (8.10.2/8.11.1) with ESMTP id f9TNrSx10639
	for <**DELETED**>; Mon, 29 Oct 2001 15:53:28 -0800
John Oliver is the hostmaster of cts.com/hosting.com, and apparently doesn't take security reports seriously. Rather than simply forward *SIX* messages over the course of a 30 day period, which were addressed to him, as an official contact address for the domain/netblock in question, he chose to write scathing replies bitching about being addressed on something that should go to some other, nonpublished address. His first response wasn't something like "I've forwarded this to ..., please direct further reports there." No, it was a pissy attitude right from the get-go. Apparently, hosting.com doesn't take security reports (notifications of servers known to be infected with a virus) very seriously. If you're thinking of using them for hosting, keep this in mind -- if your hosted webserver becomes infected, it isn't their priority to actually DEAL with it, or to pass on the news to you as their customer.

hostm@ns2.cts.com hostmaster@.cts.com

Received: from Desing1 (adsl-81-1-97.mia.bellsouth.net [])
	by trei.professional.org (8.10.2/8.11.1) with SMTP id f9NLLkt12792
	for <**DELETED**>; Tue, 23 Oct 2001 14:21:46 -0700
Totalpack.com spammed my hostmaster contact address with crud attempting to profit from the paranoia surrounding the Anthrax scare. Sickos.

webmaster@totalpack.com help@totalpack.com orders@totalpack.com totalpack@TOTALPACK.COM

Received: from localhost (oc01a-mfwpmga01ab.arcommunications.net [])
	by meyersdirect.com (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id TAA19379;
	Wed, 24 Jan 2001 19:30:57 -0800
Message-Id: <200101250330.TAA19379@meyersdirect.com>
Myersgroup keeps spamming my hostmaster account. They apparently bought into a CDROM with email addresses on it, and despite complaints, continue to spam to those addresses. They also spam from a domain which they HAVE NOT registered, so they're soiling a domain they don't own.

marketing@meyersgroup.com postmaster@myersdirect.com jfischer@meyersgroup.com

Received: from uucore4pumper2 (uuout1relay1.uu.flonetwork.com [])
	by uuout2smtp8.uu.flonetwork.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 820F8867B
	for <**DELETED**>; Wed, 18 Jul 2001 15:37:38 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 15:37:39 -0400 (EDT)
Winmag used to be a mailing list with a (semi-)useful tech tidbit and a big winmag advert. They closed the list quite some time ago, but elected to retain the subscriber list so that they could spam them. Since they believe SPAM is a valid marketing technique, then please feel free to spam them:

Winmag@update.winmag.com Unsubscribe_Winmag@update.winmag.com webmaster@winmag.com webmaster@cmp.com dcntrnoc@CMP.COM nicbill@CMP.COM


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